I love sewing.
I started sewing when my daughter was a few months old. Hubby and I were wandering through a market looking at all the cute baby stuff and I thought, “I could do that!”, so I did.
Fast forward to now and I am right into visible mending. Or just mending. It doesn’t always need to be visible but I do like to show the fact that I am purposefully extending the life of our stuff. And this is something that I have even doing for a while now anyway, but now it’s something I do more consciously.
I’m mending my own clothes. I’m mending my husband’s. The kids’. My sister’s. My brother-in-law’s. If it’s made of fabric, I’m mending it!
This throw-away world we are living in is not sustainable. Clothes are so cheap these days and easy to replace. But I don’t want to be part of that. I don’t want my kids to live like that. So, for now anyway (while they let me), I am teaching them that we should look after our things, to make them last, and repair where we can.
I’m always heart broken when my fav items get a hole in it so I’ll have to send some your way! My sewing skills don’t cut it! One day i hope To pick up sewing again!
Savers is a great place to send stuff your done with too, as it raises money for kidney foundation too!
You do an amazing job sewing! Well done Andrea! Your really empowering your kids and the will be able to empower others and make changes in this world that we need!
Thanks Caroline! I’ll be happy to mend your items!